The Zurich Seville Marathon will return in February 20, 2022

With the goal of becoming one of Europe’s biggest marathons, the Zurich Seville Marathon will be held on February 20, 2022.

After the COVID-19 pandemic hiatus, the Zurich Seville Marathon will celebrate its 37th edition on February 20, 2022. That will be the day runners will get back to enjoy racing in one of the most important events on the Spanish and European calendar, the one that runs throughout 42 kilometers and 195 meters some of the most iconic sites of an amazing city as it is Seville.

With the marathon being the one and only protagonist of the event, Seville wishes to congregate thousands of marathoners in 2022 to get that normality feeling back. After the last edition of the Zurich Seville Marathon in February 2020, the organization decided to skip the 2021 edition due to the number of races in the national calendar, and also, with a short margin of four months, the impossibility of properly organizing such an event as it is the Seville marathon.

Seville is one of the referent marathons in Spain and the world, being a World Athletics Gold Label event which guarantees an excellence standard, not only because of the stunning marks achieved by the winners (race records are 2:04:46 for men and 2:23:13 for women), but also due to the exquisite attention for each and every participant, offering facilities and services to make the marathon experience as enriching as possible. This is how you get, as per the 2020 edition, 13.697 people to become marathoners when crossing the finish line located on the side of Guadalquivir River.

Seville is ready to host those who would like to run across it - from some of the best athletes in the world, to anonymous runners, coming from different corners of the world. In words of the delegate of Ecologic Transition and Sports from Seville’s Town Hall, David Guevara, “this race represents not only an opportunity for the Sevillian runners to get a first-class experience of the sport, but also an international projection of reference for those who come to Seville through the event. With this decision, we secure the value of the race that is already in between the bests of the world on attendance and results.”

Title sponsor


Technical Sponsor


Gold Sponsor



ABC Sevilla
Geless 266
Renfe tren oficial


Sport Life
Abbott World Marathon Majors
City Shigsteeing
Hotel Barceló Sevilla Renacimiento

Entidades colaboradoras

Z Zurich Foundation
Puerto de Sevilla
Podólogos de Andalucía
World Athletics Elite Label
Universidad de Sevilla
Torre Sevilla